Sunday, November 29, 2009

Intuition in Coaching

"The only real valuable thing is intuition." -Albert Einstine
Intuition!!!What does it mean exactly?
This is essentially,arriving at decisions or conclusions without explicit or conscious processes of reasoned thinking.
It is sometimes thought that intuitions are reliable,and indeed we do act most of the time without knowing why or what our reasons may be.
It is certainly rare to set out an argument in formal terms,and go through the steps as prescribed by logicians.In this sense,alsmost all judgements and behaviours are 'intuitive'.
The term is used in philosophy to denote the alleged power of the mind to perceive or 'see' certain self-evident truths.
The statues of intuition has,however,declined over the last century,perhaps with the increasing emphasis on formal logic and explicit data and methods of science.
As we know intuition works as an essential part of coaching,actually as a power tool, in a tele dialog mostly received information come from listening,so you may find out how intuition will be helpful.
But how to use it and shall we trust it?
If we never successful in having it to work during our tele dialog how much of our information will be lost?
Do you think or have you ever found any evidence showing we can empower our intuition by practicing?
Which kind of practices will be useful then?


  1. I really don't have straight forward answers to youe questions Vahideh. My intuition fails me sometimes; and at other times I'm amazed at how accurate that gut feeling of mine could be.

    Over the years, I found myself relying less on intuition and more on logic and evidence as you mention. I might need to sharpen my attentivesness to what my intuition prescribes. Maybe through training or more inward focus. Looks like I get too engulfed in relying on my senses & brains :)

  2. Thank you Dania for the comment,I've heard and read that some concentrating practices like different kinds of meditations would be useful to empower the intuition and I'm doing meditation right now and I receive intuitive messages and most of the time they show me the right way but in some very small amounts but important parts of my life I faced difficulties in beleiving and relying on them so I'm not sure about trusting to intuition in coaching!!!!! :(

  3. Dear Vahideh,

    Regarding our last discussion of Intuition, I think this blurred phenomena is not something real and tangible that we could rely on it as a real entity.

    However I do strongly believe, since we are unable to analyze the functionality of this sophisticated phenomena, we shouldn't justify our mental perceptions as Intuition.

    Despite I am not standing on the position that I totally refuse or admit the existence of Intuition, I think referring this kind of personal experiences ( that every one may face in his life ) to the hidden powers that are going to put us in a right way, seems to be a superficial investigation.

    By the way I did a little search to find a comprehensive definition of "Intuition". The following definition has been collected from Britannica Encyclopedia:

    In philosophy, the power of obtaining knowledge that is not or cannot be acquired either by inference or observation.

    As such, intuition is thought of as an original, independent source of knowledge, since it is designed to account for just those kinds of knowledge that other sources do not provide. Knowledge of some necessary truths and basic moral principles is sometimes explained in this way. A technical sense of intuition, deriving from Immanuel Kant, refers to immediate acquaintance with individual entities; intuition (Anschauung) in this sense may be empirical (e.g., consciousness of sense-data) or pure (e.g., consciousness of space and time a priori as forms of all empirical intuitions). As conceived by Benedict de Spinoza and Henri Bergson, intuition is taken to be concrete knowledge of the world as an interconnected whole, as contrasted with the piecemeal, "abstract" knowledge obtained by science and observation.

    © 2005 Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.

  4. YYYes,...
    Thanks for the great comment!
    Who knows really which definition works each time we experience intuition,but it is and we face it in our life!!!
