Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Viewing an issue via different perspectives

For the first time when I heard about reframing perspectives it reminded me of holograms which you can turn around it to see the picture from different angles......
As I experienced more, I found that it's absolutely the same as viewing a hologram through different angles...let me show you how similar they are..
In a particular session when a client comes to you with a challenge in his/her life just with some questions you may help him/her to see the issue from different perspectives and the most poweful perspective will probably become the new one for him/her.
Here is some useful questions:
The perspective of Balance
  • What's going on in other areas of life that is putting pressure on this area or making it more difficult for you to reach your goal?
  • What do you have to thankful for in your life right now?

The perspective of time

  • What will this decision look like in ten years?what will most crucial then?
  • Imagine you are 75 years old,looking back on your life.what would you most regret if you took this road?
  • If youwere still doing this in five years,how would it affect you?your family?your destiny?

The Perspective of passion/purpose

  • Let's say this situation is custom-designed to prepare you for what you are born to do.How would that change your perspective on your circumstances?
  • Why must this be done?

The viewpoint of others

  • How is this affecting your family,relationships,friends and others around you?
  • Just as an exercise,let's try on the perspectives of the other players,how would this look through your boss's eyes?

The perspective of freedom

  • What about this situation is under your control and what if it isn't?
  • What can you do about the part you can change?
  • What can you do about the other part?

The perspective of motives

  • What is motivating you to go this direction?
  • What are you proactively reaching toward?
  • What sre you trying to get away from?
  • What do you need?

The perspective of confidence

Imagine yourself with total confidence that you could make this happen-you just knew that you knew.How would that change your approach?

OK! Now your client has been led to see the things differently,in other words has experienced different colors on his/her eyeglasses.

It's time to leave him/her to make choices!!!

Enjoy this exercise:)

Monday, June 21, 2010


This year I got apart from most of my intimate friends,those who I rely on most and share so many things with them....
When I heard another is going to leave I just got back to my heart looking for a reason ...
What's going on around me....a voice said you're now in a place in your life that can rely on yourself and be more strong....trust that everything is happening is perfect,trust God sending you the most precious gifts from now on......so a big smile appeared on my face sending my love to all of my friends who are distant but still in my heart.....