Thursday, September 10, 2009

Doing your best in the present vs concerns

When I was talking with one of my clients who is my colleagus as well yesterday about concerns and how to get rid of them,he said:"You are extraordinary that can be not worried about the future".
YYYes ,maybe he was right,maybe not,we, as humanbeings are always waiting for the brighter future,better results, our dreams to come true in a not long time from now,.....and sometimes waiting for miracles to happen in front of us in a magic way.......Yah! these are true and all of us,at least for just one time have experienced these moments of expectation!!!!!
and so do I !!!

What everyone do in these moments depends on their perspective,their beliefs,their past experiences and even the amount of their patience,.....
But what makes us extraordinary in these moments is how much we take everything significant,and how much we need fun in our lives,how much we want our dreams to come true and how much the goal we are concerned about is really really what we want!!!

Everything will happen through an action,even when you are thinking about your willings you are in action,since according to the law of attraction you are attracting opportunities to your life at that moment.....,
So,where is the place of our concerns here?
When you are in action,you are in the way of reaching your goal,you are doing your best to acheive what you want and if you really want it,there would be no free space for concerns,you will occupy every moments with a plan,structure and action,you will feel freedom,joy and happiness in every moment.......
because now, will be the past of the future and if you fill it with the future concerns ,what will you achieve?
I do my best now to achieve more in the future,I enjoy my life now to have less regrets in the future,what will you do?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Does NLP can work during coaching sessions?

As everyone who is familiar with NLP knows,it's a special kind of communication in which the NLP practitioner is going to get as much information as s/he can get from the clients,in order to help them enrich their map of reality that they have.
The researchers determined that in communication,7% of what we communicate is the result of the words we say,or the content of our speech,38% is a result of our verbal behavior,it contains tone of the voice,timbre,tempo and volume.55% is about nonverbal communication,our body posture,breathing,skin color and our movement.
So what do you think about coaching communication?
We have mostly telesessions with our clients,due to the research results it seems that we loose 55% of information,how to compensate it?
Do we able to get the rest of information just by asking powerful questions?Visualization?Role playing and ask them to describe their feelings and .....
How to deal with telling the truth?.......

NLP and coaching

For the first time when I came across with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) in my life was when I attended in a seminar as a student at university,it was not clear for me at that time that how could it work,it was just a word untill I decided to be a coach,especially an international coach.
During a coaching session goals are set based on the clients values,usually clients are not commited to the goals which are not aligned with their values,on the other hand sometimes there are some beliefs and judgements that keep them back from moving forward.
But why people have different values?Where do the beliefs and judgments come from?
As a coach,do we have to know about all of those questions's answers?
We are trained to let the past and whatever related to it go,but to what extend we should let them go?
"NLP began as a model of how we communicate to ourselves and others which was developed by Richard Bandler and Jhon Grinder.This model explains how we process the information that comes into us from the outside.The belief is that:THE MAP IS NOT TERRITORY. And so the internal representations that we make about an outside event are not necessarily the event itself."Tad James,M.S,Ph.D
So it seems that as our beliefs and values mostly come from our past,our families, our culture and many other things such as our past decisions and experiences which obviously make our brains operating system,it will be a good idea to know more about them,at least whenever we are encountered with a client from a different culture.
Maybe it's better to take a look at their map in order to enrich it for them.
If you bring a computer to your office with an unfamiliar OS what would you do?
Do you change the OS or try to get to know it and learn how to communicate with it?