Sunday, November 29, 2009

Intuition in Coaching

"The only real valuable thing is intuition." -Albert Einstine
Intuition!!!What does it mean exactly?
This is essentially,arriving at decisions or conclusions without explicit or conscious processes of reasoned thinking.
It is sometimes thought that intuitions are reliable,and indeed we do act most of the time without knowing why or what our reasons may be.
It is certainly rare to set out an argument in formal terms,and go through the steps as prescribed by logicians.In this sense,alsmost all judgements and behaviours are 'intuitive'.
The term is used in philosophy to denote the alleged power of the mind to perceive or 'see' certain self-evident truths.
The statues of intuition has,however,declined over the last century,perhaps with the increasing emphasis on formal logic and explicit data and methods of science.
As we know intuition works as an essential part of coaching,actually as a power tool, in a tele dialog mostly received information come from listening,so you may find out how intuition will be helpful.
But how to use it and shall we trust it?
If we never successful in having it to work during our tele dialog how much of our information will be lost?
Do you think or have you ever found any evidence showing we can empower our intuition by practicing?
Which kind of practices will be useful then?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Relationship coaching

I was thinking about Life Coaching as my niche,but what approach in that would be the best for me?So I tried to research about different approaches in this special niche.
I started my research with making a list of my favourite approaches,in my list I found relationship coaching which was very interesting and usable.
I continued my research by listing different usual issues happening in every close relationship including mother/kids,wife/husband,Friends relationship,etc.
Finally I faced to one of the most destructive issues which is controlling others.
Controlling comes from lack of trust or security.We control others to make sure we have them close to us and never loose them , in other words feel security in our relationship, without considering others rights.
Also we control others because we can't trust to them or to something about them,we don't trust to their abilities,their way of doing things,their perspectives and their thoughts and opinions.
We judge them and destroy our relationship with lack of acceptance.
If we could trust and feel secure in each situation what would be our response to others?