Monday, November 28, 2011

How do we react and why?

Finally! I'm here again, after a long time of not being able to access my blog...
One of my friends, one day said : " It's so very difficult tolerating my old angry mom who is always judges others, yells and blames, It gets much more difficult when she starts to curse when others don't do what she wants".
As a coach who wants help others to stay happy, I asked her what is annoying her most? she said:" The way she treats people around her,even me, when people obey her, she likes them but if they resist to obey just after a few moment of helping her,she starts to curse..and I believe her curses work, since she is my mom I think she has to be obeyed always and God will never forgive me if I don't follow her orders. I don't know what to do?"
WOW!!....I said:" you believe she has right to curse you and others,right?"
: "yes"
: "how do you react this action of her?"
: " I stay silent for a while and when she doesn't stop I react the same as her, I think by her curse my future is destroying and I get angry"
: " feel angry because you believe God is waiting to obey her orders even if she is wrong and it destroys your future, so you get angry and feel annoyed "
: "yes, so what should I do?"
: "sounds like your anger and annoyance come from your believes about God's treats!"
: that's right
: what belief can you replace that keeps you calm when she yell or ....
:" I think I have to find one so that I think differently when she curs"
:" aha"
:" maybe I can repeat in my mind that GOD loves me and her both so he judges based on truth not based on her curs and leave her for a while until she stops"
: " good idea"
:" oh yes! thank you I figure it out..ha ha ha, everything was coming from my negative feelings and they came from negative believes about GOD and universe"