Sunday, September 6, 2009

Does NLP can work during coaching sessions?

As everyone who is familiar with NLP knows,it's a special kind of communication in which the NLP practitioner is going to get as much information as s/he can get from the clients,in order to help them enrich their map of reality that they have.
The researchers determined that in communication,7% of what we communicate is the result of the words we say,or the content of our speech,38% is a result of our verbal behavior,it contains tone of the voice,timbre,tempo and volume.55% is about nonverbal communication,our body posture,breathing,skin color and our movement.
So what do you think about coaching communication?
We have mostly telesessions with our clients,due to the research results it seems that we loose 55% of information,how to compensate it?
Do we able to get the rest of information just by asking powerful questions?Visualization?Role playing and ask them to describe their feelings and .....
How to deal with telling the truth?.......


  1. Interesting question Vahideh... I have read thoughts on this somewhere on the boards, in summary, the statistics above only apply when different senses are picking up different cues, what we see and hear (for example)is different and thus we are more likely to depend on what we see, well as (and in my experience) with telephone coaching, you are allowed to focus on the words and read between the lines, while staying with the client and have a more clear access to your intuition... what do you think!

  2. I must agree with Ruba Vahideh. I had my doubts until I compared both methods. Face-to-face coaching sometimes distracted me from what is being said. I was trying to pick up on body language & other visual cues. I would be fully listening to subtlties when I coach by phone. All my senses would subside except for listening which is major in our profession? We have had an earlier thread about it on the discussion board & my colleagues were able to convince me ;)

  3. Hi Ruba,Hi Dania
    Thanks to both of you for your comments.
    You are right in our profession we release our other senses but listening and ofcourse intuition.
    What if we can use some other techniques in coaching to receive the rest of the information?
    Thanks a lot again to both of you
